Saturday, July 18, 2009


I am constantly looking at my friends blogs and feeling shameful that mine has sat dormant for so long.  But I have decided that I do this blog as a memory of things for me.  And I guess that I haven't wanted to remember much lately.  What I am realizing is that it is selfish of me.  I need to realize that others may be carrying a load like mine and might be encouraged to know that others are too.  This may seem silly to many but we have a 17 year old who is trying to declare her independence.  Now that may not seem like suffering and probably is mostly normal, but her mother is a control freak and has trouble trusting God.  Therefore, this mother (me) has trouble letting go.  I know in my head God will and is taking care of things but I have this addiction to step in and control.  I know and you know suffering is a part of this world but it doesn't make it any easier.  I think it only becomes easier if you find others who are willing to share their ups and downs.  So maybe no one will read this and maybe someone will. And that someone will be encouraged.  I hope so.  If you really want to be encouraged, you should read my friends blog,  She has  some great stuff  about coping with suffering.
Now on to the farm.  Olivia began horseback riding lessons.  Of course so did the horse since she has never been trained.  But they are both doing great.  My oldest got on a plane this morning to go to Nevada.  She went to visit Nana for the week. My second oldest got a job babysitting a very active three year old.  This is going to be a great learning experience for her.  And the younger two are just enjoying the summer. My new chickens have not started laying yet but they should start next month.  I am hoping to sell the eggs. Our little nubian had babies about 2 weeks ago.  They are both boys. Sweet.  So Cute.  I am working on a stanchion this weekend.  Wish me luck on the milking.  I have never done this before. We plan on drinking the milk, making cheese, and possibly soap.  Thats the plan anyways.

1 comment:

Rieshy said...

Olivia looks like an experienced trainer in this shot!