Tuesday, May 27, 2008



I  would like to announce the arrival of "triplets" to one Smiley the goat.  The proud Mama took all three babies and they are doing great.  There are two boys and one girl.  Their names are BuckBuck, Buster, and Bella(Snickerbella).  Sunday morning we went to feed everyone before church and Olivia squealed that there was a baby in Smiley's stall.  Needless to say we did not make it to church and we were able to witness the next two being born.  All I can say is WOW!!
They are just precious.  We walk out to the barn a thousand times(slight exaggeration) a day just to watch them.  Today we went out and the girl was hopping around and trying to get her brothers to play.  It was so cute. 
  Yesterday I planted all my tomato plants, okra, and most of my squash plants before it stormed.  I was so glad to get that done.  Now I need to get my potatoes, onions, and peppers planted.  At least that takes care of the vegetables anyways.  I also have plenty of flower gardening to do. It is always something, isn't it?  But it feels so good when you are finished. 
  Susannah is going to a bible study with a couple women from church. I think this will be a great thing for her.  After that, she and Caitlin are going to Laser chase with a group from P.E.
I hope you enjoy the picture of the babies.  Has anyone out there ever milked a goat?  I have read all about it but I have more questions. Sure would like to hear form you if you have.  Have a great evening.  ~Angie~

Friday, May 23, 2008


This is one of nine kittens.  It is our favorite because it is the loudest. And it has huge eyes.  So cute! Anyone want a free kitten?  Jeff was having trouble with lighting  in the barn so this was the only picture he got of the kittens.  He said he would try again this weekend.  He also got pictures of the baby bunnies. 
  My mother in law is coming this weekend.  We are planning a bon fire. I am sure my sister and her family will also come.  I love bonfires.  I love watching the stars and just being sucked in by God's glory. I know that sounds goofy but every time I am outside on our property, I am always amazed at the things God created. When I think about all the different kinds of bugs there are (and some of them very interesting looking), how the animals socialize, how a chicken lays these huge eggs in comparison to their bodies, how the eggs are formed in a matter of hours,how the clouds and stars sit perfectly in the sky.....I could go on and on......but, how could one not think there was a Creator?  
  I let you in on a secret.  I will also be having a birthday on Memorial day.  Yes, I will be turning a fat 45.  I can't believe I am that old.  My dear husband does not turn 45 until December.  So for the next six months he will remind me I am a year older than him.LOL
I don't mind being 45.  Hopefully I am a little bit smarter than I was in my twenties and thirties.  The other day Audrey was asking me how old I was going to be, how old my Mom is and how old "Granny on the Mountain"(thats my grandmother) is. I told her Granny is about 84, she said "Boy, God must really love her because he is letting her live a long time".  This from a nine year old.  Cute!
  We will be cleaning house today, mowing the lawn, and laundry.  I know the children will be thrilled. Ha. If I don't get to post this weekend, I hope everyone has a great Memorial day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


  Still no babies.  On the bright side we do have two chickens sitting on eggs.  I am looking forward to new chicks to replace the chickens that were kidnapped by the hawk. LOL Jeff built a new stall for the goats this past week.  I have to say my husband does good work.  It looks really nice.   And then he installed two ceiling fans in the barn to keep the air circulating this summer.  Very nice.                                                                                                                                                          Last Monday , the pool man came and replaced the liner on the pool.  The old one had a leak.  And yes, even though the water is freezing, the children have been in the pool.  The pool was here when we first moved in and I didn't think I would like it.  Thought it would be a hassle.  But I have to say it is wonderful being able to send the children to swim and not have to pack anything, or even go swimming if I don't want to.  The pool was built into the deck so it is right out the back door.  I can see them from inside. 
  I have been looking at the weather trying to figure out when to pick more strawberries and can some jam. We picked last week and I made freezer jam.  It is very good but I want to can some regular jam to keep on the shelve.  I am always  leery of putting to much faith in the freezer.  I have had the electricity go out too many times or the door left open too many times to put all my trust in it.  I prefer the canned jam on the shelf.  I haven't tried my pressure cooker yet.  I am trying to plan that into my week also. 
  Friday we went to the Middle Tennessee homeschool curriculum fair.  We took all the children and a friend of the older two.  They said it was kinda boring but everytime I saw them they had found someone they hadn't seen in a while and were having a great time.  I really enjoyed it also.  I found a lot of books that I will be using this next year for school.  That means no shipping cost.  Yeah!  Bread Beckers were there so I was able to buy sucanat with honey. ( much more mild than regular sucanat, which is a sugar).  Bread Beckers is a family business that sells grain mills, grain, mixers, etc.  I bought my grain mill from them about 4 years ago and love it.  You know my bread baking comes and goes depending on how busy I am and how lazy I am.  But it is so worth it when I do.  When I go to the store and buy bread(which I do sometimes) and see all the stuff in it....it's discouraging.  And it is really hard to find bread without corn syrup in it. I know what is in the bread I make.  Anyway, enough of my soapbox.  And please don't get the idea that we only eat all homemade foods.... I buy convenience items all the time.  I wish I didn't and I am trying to make more of my own things but this is life and it is busy.
   Last night was the last soccer game.  At least for this season.  We will actually have Saturdays open now.  Maybe I can go to some garage sales.  Yeah!!!  Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful and productive day.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

  We are still awaiting the arrival of Smiley's kids.  She mostly lays around but who could blame her?  She is huge.  We have four new baby rabbits.  I'll have to get some pictures because one of them is a "chubster".  Cute!!  Saturday, we sat through three soccer games and got burned.  Jeff stayed home from work and yesterday when a huge blister came up on his leg, I said "go to the doctor".  He did and he has second degree burns.  We felt very silly for even getting burned ,but it was overcast and I guess  we didn't think about getting burned.  I can tell you we will think about it next time.  
   I am very excited.  I am getting a pressure cooker for Mother's day.  Yes, I know it's late but I don't care.  I am going to buy it today.  I have wanted one for a while.  I have my grandmother's but it is so old I am scared to use it plus it is very small.  My goal is to can my own convenience foods.(beans, soups,meats,etc.)  I have canned jams and applesauce  many times but I have never used a pressure cooker.  On another note, I have a Nutrimill grinder.  It is not working which is a major pain.  I haven't been able to make bread.  Anyway, I called the company that makes them and they will fix it for free.  It has a lifetime warranty and they mean it. Yeah!!
  The children are all excited about our pool.  The pool man came yesterday and replaced the liner and we are currently filling it up.  I am sure they will end up in the pool before the day is over.  And they don't care what the temperature is. LOL  
  Today we will be working on moving Jeff's tools to the barn, cleaning off  the deck, and of course laundry.  Hope everyone has a productive and blessed day.  

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This past week has really flown by.  We are in the process of painting our bedroom.  So I am trying to go through stuff and getting rid of things we don't need.  It is amazing how fast we accumulate things. I am going to have to go through all my fabric.  I have so much and I don't know if  I will ever use it.  (my sewing machine is in my bedroom.) 
  This weekend was exciting.  Both of our barn cats had kittens.  There are nine in all.  They are all grayish or black except for one orange.  I think we are keeping that one.  We also had the vet make a house call yesterday because "Smiley", our big goat was acting strange.  We have been suspicious that she is pregnant, but being first timers we weren't sure.   And apparently when goats get older their stomach muscles can give out, just like ours, and look really big. The vet confirmed she is pregnant and there is more than one.  She said she would not be surprised if it was triplets or quads. Now this is exciting but also scary since this is her first pregnancy.  We are watching her closely.  I see bottle feeding in our future.  LOL.  
  The agenda for today includes a run to the dry cleaners, a drop off at Goodwill, finish cleaning the bedroom, piano lessons, and laundry, laundry, laundry.  If  I am going to get all that done, I better get going.  Hope everyone has a blessed day.