Sunday, September 28, 2008

  This where I have been the last week.  We went to the beach in Seagrove.  It was very relaxing.  It was good to spend time with the kids and not think about any of the regular stuff.   It was swimming, digging in the sand, eating junk food, walking on the beach, and taking in a different scenery and wildlife.  Funny how even in a beautiful place, you can still miss home.  We were all glad to get back to animals, trees, grass, and especially my own "bed". lol.  I am also facing a boatload of canning.  Oh well, maybe tomorrow.    We all came back with a cold, so today I am resting.  I hope everyone had a great week.  

Monday, September 15, 2008

Mark My Words

   This is our newest member of the family.  His name is Mark.  I know, it's not much of a horse name.  His registered name is "Mark My Words".  We really weren't in the  market for another horse so soon after Sunny, but he fell into our laps.  He is 20 years old, thoroughbred, ex-race horse, with a great disposition.  He is very different from Sunny so we are all getting to know each other.  Isn't he purrty????  
  We spent Saturday at the soccer fields.  We lost 2 games and tied one.  It was really hot but windy from the hurricanes.  Today is very cool outside.   I had to wear a jacket this morning.  Hope the whole week is like this. Please remember the hurricane victims in your prayers.  I can't imagine having to leave my home or losing my home.  
  I must get running.  This week is going to be crazy.  We are leaving for the beach Saturday.  So we have school and packing to deal with.  That means tons of laundry. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. 

Saturday, September 6, 2008


    I know it seems I keep coming and going, but I really have not forgotten how to blog.  It has been a very busy summer and now we are beginning school.  I do my best to keep my priorities in order, and sometimes that means very little time on the computer.  That includes reading any of my favorite blogs.  Hopefully we will be on more of a solid schedule now and I can fill you in on all the things that I have been doing.
   We had a very rough week.  On Wednesday night our beloved horse, Sunny, became ill.  We called the equine vet and he seem to think it sounded like colic until he came out to see him.  Then he began to doubt it was colic. Sunny could not stand up and in fact fell over twice.  The vet gave him a shot for pain and a steroid shot hoping that would get him back up.  We had to leave him in the field for the night ( that was disturbing).  We got up during the night to check on him and he was basically in the same spot still unable to get up.  The next morning we came out and he was not where we left him.  He had moved to the front of the pasture.  We thought "great, he is doing better", but we were wrong.  He could not get up.  He had beat himself up thrashing around.  The vet stopped by around 8:00 am and said he felt that Sunny had had a stroke, and that he was in worse condition.  He said we could watch him and he could give him more drugs but that was probably prolonging the inevitable.  We decided that we would not make him suffer .  I thought it ironic that Sunny loved  to be in the rain and as the vet administered the shot it began to rain.  I think that was God's way of comforting us.  He was 26 years old and thought he was a dog.  He was the most gentle horse anyone could ask for.  We never had to worry about the kids around him.  For that matter he even was careful to not step on the goat babies that would stay under him.  The goats act like they are lost and we are feeling a little lost too.  I know this may seem sappy to be so sad over a horse or any pet but we all loved him and he was a part of our homestead.
   On a more positive note, my garden is still going strong and I am canning again tomorrow afternoon. What a blessing!  Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Hello there.  It's me.  Can you believe it is already August?  Where did the summer go?  I have been pretty busy around here just taking care of the garden.  I did not have that big of a garden but what I do have is really producing.  I have become addicted to canning.  That's right, I finally got up the nerve to use my pressure cooker.  And guess what?  I did not blow up anything.  I love it.   I found a great buy on corn from a local farmer and I canned corn first.  Then when I went back for more corn, he had 24lb.s of green beans that he was willing to discount if I bought them all.  So I did.  The kids helped me shuck corn and snap beans.  I also purchased some peaches from the U.T. Extension for cheap (50 cents a pound).  So I canned those. I have ton's of tomatos coming in so I will be canning them little by little.  See, I really am addicted.
   We will be starting school on the 11th.  I don't know if any of us are ready.  I am trying to get myself organized.  We finally were able to give away the kittens and have the mamas spade.  O f course one of them had to have the surgery twice because her stitches busted inside.  We have had another chick hatch.  This one is black and white.  That's different for us.  We also had  a choking episode with the horse. Scary!  I think that was the same week the goats broke out with orf(sp?) which is a virus like chicken pox.  So far only the mama and three babies have gotten it.  We have had a lot of animal issues to say the least, but that is how you learn.  And I love that.
    Well, I know this is just a touch of what I wanted to tell you.  The kids have a lock-in at church tonight so I need to get ready. I hope everyone has a great weekend.  

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Company, Strawberries, and World's Greatest Dad

                                                     The man behind most of the pictures

I am sorry it's been so long.  We have been so busy.  My mother was here from Nevada and my brother and his family were here form Georgia.  We had a good visit and lots of good food.  It seems like the summer is already flying by and we have barely gotten started.  My garden is coming along pretty well.  I am really having to fight the weeds.  I read the other day that if you can keep weeds out of the perimeter of the garden you have won half the battle.  We have this grass that just wants to creep in from all sides.  But I do not want to use chemicals around my plants.  I could till but they say that robs the soil.  So what do you do?  
  So far I have put up approximately 26 pints of strawberry jam.  Some are freezer jams, some are sweetened with sugar, and some I tried sweetening with fruit juice.  We have tried them all and they all taste good to me.  The fruit juice sweetened is not as sweet as the sugar kind but still good.  I also froze about 5 galllons of strawberries.  Yes, I went picking.  We went to "Uncle Al's", which is about 15 miles from our house.  And when the whole crew goes with me, we can pick a lot in a short amount of time.  I am hoping to get blueberries next.  We love blueberries. I have three bushes left (after Daisy got done with the others) and they have some blueberries but not enough to freeze. Maybe next year.
  Now, I want to say "Happy Father's Day" to my husband.  He truly is one of the best dads I have ever been around.  His family always comes first and we know it.  He is loving, kind, patient beyond words(he puts up with me and three girl teens), a true leader, encourager, faithful, trustworthy, honest, and all round good guy and did I mention smart?  I know I am slightly biased but God truly blessed me when he brought us together.  He is my Ebenezer. I know ,"gush, gush, gush".  Happy Father's Day , Jeff.  
  I am going to be spending a lot of time in the garden this week and a lot of time with my washer and the clothes line. LOL  They are feeling neglected after all the company!  I hope everyone has a blessed week.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

  It's seems like forever since I posted.  Thats how crazy it has been.  We took a trip to Holiday World this past weekend.  It was so much fun.  The children had a blast.  We spent 11 hours in the park Saturday and the weather was perfect.  We came home Saturday night and had a flat tire at 11:00 that night.  We called the state trooper , not because my husband doesn't know how to change a tire, but because we needed some lights.  You couldn't see anything except cars and trucks rushing by on the interstate.  Very scary when your husband has to lay on his back to get the spare out from under the car.  You just pray that the other cars will see us.  God was with us though and the state trooper got there in minutes and flashed his big lights.  It did take a while to get the tire changed though.  We didn't just have a flat, we completely lost the tire.  There was nothing left of it.  
  Caitlin and Jonathans big sister is visiting with us this week. I picked up my mother at the airport last night and my brother and his family are coming on Thursday.  My mother was going to stay with us but Olivia has some kind of stomach flu.  So my mom is staying at my sister's.  A whole mile away! LOL I am so glad she is here.  I don't get to see her often enough as she lives in Nevada.  
  My garden is looking great!  I think we are going to have to put a fence around it though to keep the dogs and chickens out.  Of course the chickens can fly over.  But maybe it will deter them.  Speaking of chickens, we found one of the Barbies (buff chicken) dead behind the small coop.  It looked  like she got her head stuck in the fence. Very sad.  Now I only have one Barbie left.  
  Yesterday I spent disinfecting the entire house and washing towels and sheets.  Anything that Olivia came in contact with.  Towels and blankets take forever.  I do love the way they smell after hanging on the line though.  Today I will be doing more laundry and hopefully baking.  I got my grain mill back this past week. Yeah!!!  Bread, here we come!!! I hope everyone has a great day.  
p.s. Just a few pictures from Holiday World.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008



I  would like to announce the arrival of "triplets" to one Smiley the goat.  The proud Mama took all three babies and they are doing great.  There are two boys and one girl.  Their names are BuckBuck, Buster, and Bella(Snickerbella).  Sunday morning we went to feed everyone before church and Olivia squealed that there was a baby in Smiley's stall.  Needless to say we did not make it to church and we were able to witness the next two being born.  All I can say is WOW!!
They are just precious.  We walk out to the barn a thousand times(slight exaggeration) a day just to watch them.  Today we went out and the girl was hopping around and trying to get her brothers to play.  It was so cute. 
  Yesterday I planted all my tomato plants, okra, and most of my squash plants before it stormed.  I was so glad to get that done.  Now I need to get my potatoes, onions, and peppers planted.  At least that takes care of the vegetables anyways.  I also have plenty of flower gardening to do. It is always something, isn't it?  But it feels so good when you are finished. 
  Susannah is going to a bible study with a couple women from church. I think this will be a great thing for her.  After that, she and Caitlin are going to Laser chase with a group from P.E.
I hope you enjoy the picture of the babies.  Has anyone out there ever milked a goat?  I have read all about it but I have more questions. Sure would like to hear form you if you have.  Have a great evening.  ~Angie~

Friday, May 23, 2008


This is one of nine kittens.  It is our favorite because it is the loudest. And it has huge eyes.  So cute! Anyone want a free kitten?  Jeff was having trouble with lighting  in the barn so this was the only picture he got of the kittens.  He said he would try again this weekend.  He also got pictures of the baby bunnies. 
  My mother in law is coming this weekend.  We are planning a bon fire. I am sure my sister and her family will also come.  I love bonfires.  I love watching the stars and just being sucked in by God's glory. I know that sounds goofy but every time I am outside on our property, I am always amazed at the things God created. When I think about all the different kinds of bugs there are (and some of them very interesting looking), how the animals socialize, how a chicken lays these huge eggs in comparison to their bodies, how the eggs are formed in a matter of hours,how the clouds and stars sit perfectly in the sky.....I could go on and on......but, how could one not think there was a Creator?  
  I let you in on a secret.  I will also be having a birthday on Memorial day.  Yes, I will be turning a fat 45.  I can't believe I am that old.  My dear husband does not turn 45 until December.  So for the next six months he will remind me I am a year older than him.LOL
I don't mind being 45.  Hopefully I am a little bit smarter than I was in my twenties and thirties.  The other day Audrey was asking me how old I was going to be, how old my Mom is and how old "Granny on the Mountain"(thats my grandmother) is. I told her Granny is about 84, she said "Boy, God must really love her because he is letting her live a long time".  This from a nine year old.  Cute!
  We will be cleaning house today, mowing the lawn, and laundry.  I know the children will be thrilled. Ha. If I don't get to post this weekend, I hope everyone has a great Memorial day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


  Still no babies.  On the bright side we do have two chickens sitting on eggs.  I am looking forward to new chicks to replace the chickens that were kidnapped by the hawk. LOL Jeff built a new stall for the goats this past week.  I have to say my husband does good work.  It looks really nice.   And then he installed two ceiling fans in the barn to keep the air circulating this summer.  Very nice.                                                                                                                                                          Last Monday , the pool man came and replaced the liner on the pool.  The old one had a leak.  And yes, even though the water is freezing, the children have been in the pool.  The pool was here when we first moved in and I didn't think I would like it.  Thought it would be a hassle.  But I have to say it is wonderful being able to send the children to swim and not have to pack anything, or even go swimming if I don't want to.  The pool was built into the deck so it is right out the back door.  I can see them from inside. 
  I have been looking at the weather trying to figure out when to pick more strawberries and can some jam. We picked last week and I made freezer jam.  It is very good but I want to can some regular jam to keep on the shelve.  I am always  leery of putting to much faith in the freezer.  I have had the electricity go out too many times or the door left open too many times to put all my trust in it.  I prefer the canned jam on the shelf.  I haven't tried my pressure cooker yet.  I am trying to plan that into my week also. 
  Friday we went to the Middle Tennessee homeschool curriculum fair.  We took all the children and a friend of the older two.  They said it was kinda boring but everytime I saw them they had found someone they hadn't seen in a while and were having a great time.  I really enjoyed it also.  I found a lot of books that I will be using this next year for school.  That means no shipping cost.  Yeah!  Bread Beckers were there so I was able to buy sucanat with honey. ( much more mild than regular sucanat, which is a sugar).  Bread Beckers is a family business that sells grain mills, grain, mixers, etc.  I bought my grain mill from them about 4 years ago and love it.  You know my bread baking comes and goes depending on how busy I am and how lazy I am.  But it is so worth it when I do.  When I go to the store and buy bread(which I do sometimes) and see all the stuff in's discouraging.  And it is really hard to find bread without corn syrup in it. I know what is in the bread I make.  Anyway, enough of my soapbox.  And please don't get the idea that we only eat all homemade foods.... I buy convenience items all the time.  I wish I didn't and I am trying to make more of my own things but this is life and it is busy.
   Last night was the last soccer game.  At least for this season.  We will actually have Saturdays open now.  Maybe I can go to some garage sales.  Yeah!!!  Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful and productive day.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

  We are still awaiting the arrival of Smiley's kids.  She mostly lays around but who could blame her?  She is huge.  We have four new baby rabbits.  I'll have to get some pictures because one of them is a "chubster".  Cute!!  Saturday, we sat through three soccer games and got burned.  Jeff stayed home from work and yesterday when a huge blister came up on his leg, I said "go to the doctor".  He did and he has second degree burns.  We felt very silly for even getting burned ,but it was overcast and I guess  we didn't think about getting burned.  I can tell you we will think about it next time.  
   I am very excited.  I am getting a pressure cooker for Mother's day.  Yes, I know it's late but I don't care.  I am going to buy it today.  I have wanted one for a while.  I have my grandmother's but it is so old I am scared to use it plus it is very small.  My goal is to can my own convenience foods.(beans, soups,meats,etc.)  I have canned jams and applesauce  many times but I have never used a pressure cooker.  On another note, I have a Nutrimill grinder.  It is not working which is a major pain.  I haven't been able to make bread.  Anyway, I called the company that makes them and they will fix it for free.  It has a lifetime warranty and they mean it. Yeah!!
  The children are all excited about our pool.  The pool man came yesterday and replaced the liner and we are currently filling it up.  I am sure they will end up in the pool before the day is over.  And they don't care what the temperature is. LOL  
  Today we will be working on moving Jeff's tools to the barn, cleaning off  the deck, and of course laundry.  Hope everyone has a productive and blessed day.  

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

This past week has really flown by.  We are in the process of painting our bedroom.  So I am trying to go through stuff and getting rid of things we don't need.  It is amazing how fast we accumulate things. I am going to have to go through all my fabric.  I have so much and I don't know if  I will ever use it.  (my sewing machine is in my bedroom.) 
  This weekend was exciting.  Both of our barn cats had kittens.  There are nine in all.  They are all grayish or black except for one orange.  I think we are keeping that one.  We also had the vet make a house call yesterday because "Smiley", our big goat was acting strange.  We have been suspicious that she is pregnant, but being first timers we weren't sure.   And apparently when goats get older their stomach muscles can give out, just like ours, and look really big. The vet confirmed she is pregnant and there is more than one.  She said she would not be surprised if it was triplets or quads. Now this is exciting but also scary since this is her first pregnancy.  We are watching her closely.  I see bottle feeding in our future.  LOL.  
  The agenda for today includes a run to the dry cleaners, a drop off at Goodwill, finish cleaning the bedroom, piano lessons, and laundry, laundry, laundry.  If  I am going to get all that done, I better get going.  Hope everyone has a blessed day.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  We had an extremely busy one.  Friday, after running errands, My husband came home early and took Caitlin to a friends to spend the night.  That gave me time to actually get ready for the banquet.  Our oldest two are part of a homeschool p.e. group and every year they have a banquet for the kids at the end of the year.  The Moms all attend and help out with the food and Jeff was asked to take pictures.  The party started at 4:30 and went until 11:00.  Long party!!!  Anyway, my wonderful sister took the younger three to Audrey's soccer game and then kept them until we could pick them up.  Then Saturday we had two soccer games and had to pick up Caitlin from her friends in between games.  Sunday we went to church and the kids stayed after evening service to play 4-square. All I accomplished around  here were a few loads of laundry.  And today will be spent doing laundry. I tend to get down about how little I accomplish at home sometimes,  and how behind I get.  But then I remember what I Cor. 10:31 says that "...whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God".  I have to remind myself that even running kids to games, spending seven hours at a banquet,(even though there are a million things that needed to be done at home), making sure everyone has eaten ( even if its takeout), making sure everyone has the uniforms they need,( even if there are 15 piles of laundry at home).......these are important and I still need to and can do them to  glorify God. I mean no one will remember what the house looked like but they will remember whether I was around for them when they needed me.  And they will remember my attitude about it all too.  Something to think about. Please don't think I have this down pat.  I don't.  It is something I struggle with and have to constantly readjust my thinking and my attitude.
Speaking of taking care of people, I have a little girl who would like some breakfast.  So I must go.  By the way , that picture is of Susannah at the banquet.  They had a great time. Isn't she pretty? I am only slightly biased.  Hope everyone has a great day.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Declutter Mode

I have it.  You know, that spring fever thing.  I want to clean out everything.  I want to get rid of everything.  I want to plant everything. I want to do all these projects that have been calling out to me all winter, begging to be done.  So yesterday, after doing school, I went to work on my closet.  What a mess. I would not have started there except that we have to empty the closet in order to paint.  So I decided I might as well get rid of anything we don't need or want .  There were also things I needed to move to a more proper place. If you haven't been to Mrs.Catherine's blog , it is worth checking.  She is doing a series on decluttering.  She has it broken down into easy steps.  It is amazing to me and somewhat shameful how much stuff we have.  When did we acquire it all?  It has made me really think about being a more conscious shopper and being content with what I have.  Do I really need this or that?  Do I already have something I can make due with?  Think before I buy.  Not to mention the example I am setting for the kids.  Our culture makes it so hard to be content. Anyways, I am cleaning out.  
 We have a big soccer weekend coming up if it doesn't rain, which they are calling for.  We really need the rain after last summer's drought.  The older girls have a banquet this weekend for their P.E. class.  It is going to be busy around here.  I hope everyone has a great weekend. 

Friday, April 18, 2008

Wow! where do I even begin.  I feel like we have been so busy but then when I try to think of what we have done, I can't remember. Our computer was fried in a storm we had 2 weeks ago, so off it went to the mac store.  It was a big pain in some respects(like checking to see if soccer was cancelled after so much rain) but it was kinda nice not to have anyone asking if they could use the computer next.  They form a line around here.  
   It is definitely Spring around here.  Audrey went to feed the rabbits and there were 4 babies in the nesting box.  What a surprise since we didn't even know a rabbit was pregnant. Unfortunately the babies all died.  We don't know why.  The kids were disappointed.  A few days later we were delighted to find two baby chicks.  One is black and the other is yellow.  So cute.  We have really enjoyed watching the hen teaching them and caring for them. She even has a special cooing sound to call them. It is so neat to watch.  How could anyone look at anything in nature and not believe in God.  I just hope they are girls because we have 2 roosters already and they don't want to share.   
     We (Olivia,Caitlin, and I)  finally finished course 2 of the Wilton cake decorating class.  The second course was hard because of the flowers.  Who knew  those little flowers would be such a pain to make and that if you didn't cross your eyes just right the icing wouldn't turn out right and your flowers would turn to soup? Did I mention the class was hard? I am being dramatic  but it was more challenging and our final cake turned out very pretty. Olivia loved the class while Caitlin has decided it is not her thing.   
    We are finally going to move the baby girl goat out to the barn this weekend.  She has been spending time with others during the day.  Of course if she hears Olivia she starts crying.  But most of the time she seems content.  She has really grown.  And as much as I love her , I am ready for her to be out of the house.  I am ready not to have to buy pee pads and have to explain that "no, we don't have a cute new puppy but a goat in our house"  and then get a weird She can be rather smelly.  But we still love her.
   I guess the biggest news is that our bathroom is finally finished.  It looks gorgeous and the antique tub is wonderful.  And you can turn around in the shower without hitting your arms.  Cool, huh?  The best part is all 7 of us do not have to share one bathroom anymore. Actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  And a small bathroom is easier to keep clean.  But boy is it nice to have our own space.  And my brother in law did such a great job on it.
  Well, I know I have written probably way more than anyone cares about. I need to be getting to bed seeing as we have soccer games tomorrow morning.  That is if we play.  It is pouring right now and supposed to keep on until morning. We shall see.  Hope everyone has a great weekend. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Long time no write.  We have been having major computer problems.  We finally got our computer back yesterday.  The kids were all salivating around it.  I have to confess, so was I.  I have a ton of pictures to share and lots to write. Unfortunately I don't have the time right now. I just wanted to say "hi" and I will write more later.  Hope today is a great day.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

This is the picture of the kids (not "dids") at the Space museum.  Did I mention I am computer challenged?  lol Angie

   What a beautiful day it turned out to be.  This morning looked like rain but the clouds cleared and the sun is out.  We had p.e. this afternoon. And Caitlin has soccer this evening.  It seems very quiet because the littles went with Jeff and Caitlin.  
Well, I just got a phone call that Caitlin is sick and they are on their way home. I just hope she doesn't have the flu that has been getting us lately.  Susannah and Audrey have both had it.  
     I guess I will cut this post short seeing as they are only a few minutes away.  I hope everyone has had a great day.  The pictures I included are of my rooster"Ricky" , the dids at the Space museum, and my dog "Dorie".  She is such a good girl.  Angie

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Goodbye "Lance"

It is with great sadness that I tell you that one of our baby goats passed away Monday morning.  We took him to the goat vet and she said he had pneumonia.  It is so hard to loose an animal when you have put so much time and effort into it.  Olivia fell apart.  She has been the one to get up in the middle of the night and feed them.  She has been responsible for mixing all the milk for 4 goats and feeding them.  And she has loved them.  They all come running when they see her and not just when it is time to eat.  They recognize her as "mama". Her Daddy and I have been very impressed.  You are growing up my sweet Olivia .                                                    Well on to the weekend. Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend.  We had company in town.  Friday night we had our usual family movie night.  We watched a movie called "The Seeker".  It was not" The Incredibles", but it was really good.  I would not recommend it for young (my youngest is 9) because it had some scary parts .  I am not setting a specific age for the movie as each family knows their own children and what they can handle.  However the movie is a struggle between good and evil, so there are some dark parts.  But overall it was very good.  Usually on movie night we have pizza.  But I am tired of pizza and my children only enjoy my homemade pizza.  So I decided to make Ziti, a salad, and garlic bread.  Everyone seemed to love it.  And it is easier to fix than pizza.                                                                                                           Saturday Grandma and Eddie came up.  I took Susannah shopping for Spring clothes for church.  We went to Kohl's and that was it ,seeing as Susannah has been sick and is still feeling tired.  But we had "success".  We even found 2 bathing suits.  Its hard to shop for the older girls because modest clothes are hard to find.   And short is in this year.  I was just glad we had a good time (no arguments) and found her some things.  Saturday night we had a bonfire. The kids love roasting hotdogs .  And I love sitting in front of the fire ,visiting with family, and watching the children run around.  And the stars are awesome.  Everyone was worn out. 
      On Sunday we had a huge dinner and an easter egg hunt for the littles and their cousins.  They had a great time.  We enjoyed having aunts, uncles, and cousins here. Jeff was off on Monday so we took the children and some friends to the Space and Rocket museum in Huntsville ,Alabama.  The children had a great time.   I think it took Olivia's mind off of her little one.  She moved the baby girl into the house again for a while.  Olivia will be such a great mommy someday.  
  Well that was our weekend and today I have to go to the dentist because I broke my tooth.  Doesn't that sound like fun?  Hope everyone has a great day.      

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This week has started with a bang.  We are taking a spring break this week.  We drove Sunday evening about an hour away to pick up a friend of Olivia's.  She is staying with us a few days, as it is her spring break also.  Yesterday  we met friends at the park and had a great time.  The weather was beautiful and I got some great shots of the kids.  I also was able to get my grocery shopping done.  This is our menu for the week:

Monday:  Tacos (soft and crunchy)
Tuesday: Round Steak (crock pot)
                 Baked potatoes
Wednesday:  Chicken and Stuffing
                        Green beans
Thursday:   Sweet and Sour Meatballs
                     Fruit Salad
Friday:  Ziti
               Garlic bread
We are having company this weekend.  My mother-in -love is coming.  She truly is a wonderful grandmother and mother-in-law.  She is very easy going, easy to talk to, and positive.  We will have our annual easter egg hunt.  Of course for the older ones we have stuffed eggs with a little change.  They still like candy but would rather have money.  They also help hide the eggs which, is really nice for us. lol. 
Not sure what we are doing today.  We did already move the baby goats out to the barn.  They are a week old and it was time.  And as Audrey said "I need my beauty sleep". lol.  The girls have been so wonderful and responsible about feeding the babies in the middle of the night. It's been a great learning experience. We may go to the movies today (since its going to rain)  or we may go to an indoor putt-putt golf.  
Thats about it.  I hope everyone has a great day.