Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This has been the kind of day I like to have.  I went to the doctor to find out I am not dying.  Yeah me!  Just normal, old, growing old, stuff.  Then I came home and cleaned.  That's it.  It was great! Isn't that absurd?  I have been running so much lately that once in a while it's nice to stay home and actually accomplish something.  I can go to bed tonight and not feel all the " I should'ves".  And today was another unusually cool day in TN.  It was beautiful!  

We put our 17 yo on a plane to Nevada this past Saturday.  She flew out to see her Nana.  I think she is having a great time.  I say "think" because she really hasn't called me.  She has called Jeff  once or twice.  Today she they were in San Francisco. She said they were going to some restaurant where they had .....seals?  Then they were riding these things.  Jeff said " you mean a trolley?"  She said "No. These are on a track and in the road."  Jeff-" Thats a trolley"  Sus-"Thats not what they called them." Whatever. lol  Then I think her second call was to see if he cared if she got her nose pierced "because there a shop here that do noses." Jeff promptly told her that "YES" he did care.  That girl.  Gotta love her.  I miss her.  


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