Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The September Masacre

August shot by very quickly. We started back to school and "boy, oh, boy" has it been hard. We decided to try a new curriculum this year. The older three have all their work on the computer. Sounds easy enough, but.......NO. It has been a learning experience for sure. We have always used a literature based curriculum, which means I did a lot of reading out loud. I love to read to the children and it was better for them (dyslexia). I am not one to rush kids in education and believe waiting can be better in some things. I did notice however that there were some things I wanted to cover earlier with my youngers. You live and learn. The oldest are always the guinea pigs. Poor babies. All that to say the curriculum for the younger children is very different(but in a good way) from the way they are used to learning. Their brains are having a hard time adjusting. I know how they feel though. Every time I think I might have figured out my children, friends, life in general, etc. - things change. It stretches my brain. And you know, that can hurt. lol.
September- The Month Of The Masacre
This spring I purchased chicks and raised them. They were beginning to lay ever so lovely. I mean I was getting at least a dozen a day. I was even starting to sell them. Then one day we left for a few hours to go see cutting horses at the Ag center. They are really cool to watch. Any ways we returned home to find about 5 of my chickens laying around the yard and my only two ducks. They were not eaten but just senselessly killed ,for the fun of it . And who do you think committed such an evil act? These two.

These two have appeared before the judge and have been sentenced to time on the back deck . They will serve this time whenever their parole officer is not at home. They were quoted as saying they do not enjoy being locked up and feel regret for their past deeds. They have also issued an apology to the 14 surviving members of the victim's family. The victim's family say this has made them fearful and they no longer feel safe in their own neighborhood.
This brings us to October. My " marvelous middle" child had her 14th birthday. I cannot believe she is 14. That means she will want to drive next year. I know people say "where does the time go?" but really, where does it go? This is when you realize you need to enjoy each day, whatever it brings, because it will be gone tomorrow. We are continuing in school and I am praying about what my next thing will be (project- christmas gifts, money making on the farm, simple living, etc.) Hopefully, I will not have to do a three month catch up again. Hope everyone has a great week. Happy Birthday Livvy!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This has been the kind of day I like to have.  I went to the doctor to find out I am not dying.  Yeah me!  Just normal, old, growing old, stuff.  Then I came home and cleaned.  That's it.  It was great! Isn't that absurd?  I have been running so much lately that once in a while it's nice to stay home and actually accomplish something.  I can go to bed tonight and not feel all the " I should'ves".  And today was another unusually cool day in TN.  It was beautiful!  

We put our 17 yo on a plane to Nevada this past Saturday.  She flew out to see her Nana.  I think she is having a great time.  I say "think" because she really hasn't called me.  She has called Jeff  once or twice.  Today she they were in San Francisco. She said they were going to some restaurant where they had .....seals?  Then they were riding these things.  Jeff said " you mean a trolley?"  She said "No. These are on a track and in the road."  Jeff-" Thats a trolley"  Sus-"Thats not what they called them." Whatever. lol  Then I think her second call was to see if he cared if she got her nose pierced "because there a shop here that do noses." Jeff promptly told her that "YES" he did care.  That girl.  Gotta love her.  I miss her.  


Saturday, July 18, 2009


I am constantly looking at my friends blogs and feeling shameful that mine has sat dormant for so long.  But I have decided that I do this blog as a memory of things for me.  And I guess that I haven't wanted to remember much lately.  What I am realizing is that it is selfish of me.  I need to realize that others may be carrying a load like mine and might be encouraged to know that others are too.  This may seem silly to many but we have a 17 year old who is trying to declare her independence.  Now that may not seem like suffering and probably is mostly normal, but her mother is a control freak and has trouble trusting God.  Therefore, this mother (me) has trouble letting go.  I know in my head God will and is taking care of things but I have this addiction to step in and control.  I know and you know suffering is a part of this world but it doesn't make it any easier.  I think it only becomes easier if you find others who are willing to share their ups and downs.  So maybe no one will read this and maybe someone will. And that someone will be encouraged.  I hope so.  If you really want to be encouraged, you should read my friends blog,  She has  some great stuff  about coping with suffering.
Now on to the farm.  Olivia began horseback riding lessons.  Of course so did the horse since she has never been trained.  But they are both doing great.  My oldest got on a plane this morning to go to Nevada.  She went to visit Nana for the week. My second oldest got a job babysitting a very active three year old.  This is going to be a great learning experience for her.  And the younger two are just enjoying the summer. My new chickens have not started laying yet but they should start next month.  I am hoping to sell the eggs. Our little nubian had babies about 2 weeks ago.  They are both boys. Sweet.  So Cute.  I am working on a stanchion this weekend.  Wish me luck on the milking.  I have never done this before. We plan on drinking the milk, making cheese, and possibly soap.  Thats the plan anyways.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


   Today it's back to winter.  The last two days have been in the eighties here.  It was wonderful.  Monday my friend came and tilled up the garden and even made it a bit bigger.  Ssshhh!  Don't tell Jeff.  I was able to plant cabbage, brussels sprouts, swiss chard, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, and strawberries.  So glad I put it all in before it turned cold again.  I hear it is supposed to get even colder tomorrow.  
   We went to the dentist this afternoon and left with no cavities! Hooray!!!  Of course tomorrow I will be there at 8:00 in the morning.  I had a filling fall out this past week.  There is a huge hole in my tooth.  I will probably have to have a crown.  That made me start thinking how we don't think about some long term consequences.  I wasn't thinking about how all the fillings I had as a child would probably fall out one day.  Maybe I should have tried to avoid so many cavities. That made me think what do I not think about now.  What do I do now that might have consequences I don't like later?  Do I take care of my body so that it will last a long time?   I can tell you probably not.  O.k., definitely not. Do I treat my relationships like I want them to be around for a long time?  Just something to think about.  
     We have church tonight and I am teaching the 4,5,and 6 year olds.  They are loads of fun.  They have so much to tell and soooo much energy.  Speaking of which, I probably should finish preparing for class.  And of course people around here are fond of eating dinner.  Can't imagine why. lol.  I need to get dinner started.  It's hamburgers tonight.  Have a great evening. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

     I wanted to post today but I am having trouble knowing where to start.  I have soooo many things rolling around in my little brain.  I guess I will start with money.  I love the idea of living self sufficient, at least when it comes to food.  I think that is one reason I love to can.  I am also sure you have noticed rising prices at the grocery.  So I have been thinking of ways to save money when it comes to food.  I have been clipping coupons and finding great deals(thanks to my sister who is the coupon guru).  I really think the best way to save money is to stock up.  I don't mean go out and stock up, but stock up when stuff is on sale. I like being able to go into my pantry and throw something together at the last minute.  It helps to keep us from eating out which also saves us money. I also think when I make menus and stock the pantry I don't run to the store as much, which also saves us money.  I have found that if you just get the free stuff at CVS, you can stock up with toiletries quickly.  I also like having things in the pantry to fix spur of the moment meals for sick friends or for the kids to take to the church pantry.  Now what would really be a money saver and really cool is if we grew and canned everything for our pantry.  No silly, not the toilet paper!!  Just the food. lol. 
     I guess I am thinking of this because today was market day for me.  I was headed out to a few more places when the vet and the farrier showed up to work on Little Bit's hooves.  The vet sedated her and the farrier used a hack saw and a sander to take off the ridiculously  long hooves.  And then she was given some pain medicine.  So hopefully she will be feeling better soon.  The vet said he had only seen pictures of hooves this bad.  Speaking of Little Bit reminds me that I need to check on her before I head to bed.  Hope I haven't rattled on too much.  Hope everyone has a restful evening.

Friday, February 13, 2009


     This is "lil bit".  She is a shetland pony who is now residing at our place.  Can you see her hoofs?  She foundered at some point and was not taken care of and now her hoofs are about 6-8 inches long and curved up in front.  We had our farrier come out and work on her hoofs but after working for an hour, he was only able to remove some of the front hoofs.  He feels we need the vet to sedate her next time he works on her. She can barely walk.  It is very sad that she has been allowed to get to this point.  Hopefully the farrier and the vet can work on her next week.  I'll try to post some after pictures.  I am not trying to be depressing but this where I have been this week.
   As for the schedule I set up.......I have several observations.   First of all, the pioneers did not have as many clothes as we do in this time.  Sometimes I wish we did not have so many clothes.  But we do.  Thats a fact.  It is also a fact that I cannot do laundry for 7 people in one day.  Too much.  All I can say is, its a good thing I did not schedule anything for Thursdays or should I say "wash day no. 2".  Market day has been great.  I like running my errands on one day.  My Fridays and Saturdays are working great, too.  So overall I like this schedule.
  The most exciting thing I have to tell you is that my seeds came from the Baker Creek Seed Co. I cannot wait to plant them.  And not only seeds but my new baby chicks will be arriving the beginning of March.  Yessiree bob!  25 sweet little chicks of differing breeds.  I love this time of year.  I think its the dreaming and planning I love. Speaking of dreaming, thats exactly where I am headed.  I hope everyone has a Happy Valentines Day.

Monday, February 2, 2009


  I am not sure what I did wrong on the below post.  So please forgive.  
WARNING:  Read with caution as my cause dizziness.  ha ha ha.


   For anyone who thinks a whole day(that is a whole day with a home and children and all their needs, which translates to not really a whole day) dedicated to paper is ridiculous......well, I guess you need to e-mail me and let me know what I am doing wrong. lol.  I have been half heartedly working on a menu for the next two weeks.   Is it possible to have writers block when you are just preparing a menu?  For crying out loud, how hard can it be?  Apparently too hard for my brain.  I did manage to get my coupons in order and know what I am buying at CVS.  I did not however file any bills or receipts.  Does anyone else have a problem coming up with meals?  I know my good friend does.  She called this afternoon to tell me the 1/2 price book store had the book "Saving Dinner" and it contains a years worth of menus.   They also have a website.  Sounds like I might be visiting the  1/2 price bookstore soon!
    Here is what I did accomplish today:    exchanging birthday present for Cait
                                                                         took children to reading tutor at the library for 2 1/2
                                                                         ran by Quizznos so that Caitlin could get an
                                                                         read my bible and prayed
                                                                         5 loads of towels
                                                                         Prepared dinner which required grilling
                                                                          Did schooling with the children
                                                                         Read to the younger kiddos
                                                                         Took a bath( don't laugh!  that is an accomplishment)

     Well you might be bored to tears reading about my day, but I feel much better now. lol  
Please remember to pray for the people in Kentucky who had the snow and ice storm.  Some of them with will be without power for quite a long time.  I can't imagine.  Hope everyone had a great Monday...whew, it's over!


Saturday, January 31, 2009


      Another year!  Wow!  My precious Caitlin is 15 today.  To her that means "driving".  To me it means my time is sooooo short.  It means letting go even though I don't want to sometimes.  It means I have enjoyed watching her mature and can't wait to see how much more she will change and grow. It is a reminder that everyone else is getting older too, including me. lol. 
   Caitlin, Happy Birthday, sweety.  You are a great person!  We love you very much!
Mom and Dad. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


   As I sit here and write, my deck is slowly being covered with sleet and snow mixture.  I would love a snowed in day.  Its an excuse to stay home(I was going to anyway) and it always makes the house seem so cozy.  I have a fire going in the fireplace, the laundry is started, there is a kettle warming on the stove and we will probably do school in our pajamas.  Hows that for a snow day?
   The new schedule is going well.  There have been a few kinks(unexpected errands, unexpected guest for dinner,etc.) but unexpected things are o.k. and most often a blessing.  I have to remember that even though I have a schedule, it does not mean I am in control.  God is and he sometimes gently reminds me of this.  So I do the best I can and go with the flow.  Now the deck is totally white!  Hooray! I hope my husband can get home.
   We are having pork chops for dinner with potatoes, homemade applesauce, and a vegetable.  Not sure what vegetable I am in the mood for. Ha. It is time to change the laundry and get the children going.   Better scoot for now.  

Friday, January 23, 2009

New Years Thoughts

                                                         Our newest addition .
    Well, it has been a while again.  Seems I am not very consistent.  Life is that way.  I noticed that last time I posted was in September.  Wow!  We all caught colds while at the beach and someone has been sick, pretty much, ever since then.  It has been a long winter so far. lol.  We have started back to school. The kids are getting into the routine again.  I decided that I needed to organize myself also.  I have tried all kinds of things and of course as life changes around you, you have to change.  Anyways, I decided to try the pioneer method.  Whats that you ask?  Well, I assigned a chore for each day of the week.  Monday is paper day.  I go through the bills, mail, do some filing, make a menu, plan my grocery trip, etc.  Tuesday is market day.  I go to the grocery and run any errands that I need to.  Wednesday is wash day.  I am tired of laundry going on and on all week long. Not to mention the laundry baskets of unfolded laundry sitting around.  So now we do it all on one day, fold, and put it away.  Thursday is a free day for me to choose what needs to be done or what I want to do.  Friday is cleaning day.  This involves everyone.  Everyone has a room or area that they are responsible for.  This makes going into the weekend so much better and if we want have someone over after church on Sunday, I don't worry about what the house looks like.   Saturday is baking day.  I bake bread and sometimes desserts.  Sunday is for rest. Now this is only the second week that I have done this, but it seems to be working for me.  We do have other things going on each day, but if I can accomplish the biggies.......HOORAY!
   This time of year always makes me want to plan our garden, think about new chickens, and milking goats.  I been going through the Murray McMurray catalog.  Such pretty chickens!  It's so hard to choose.  And with economy the way it is, I am thinking of enlarging the garden this year. We are really enjoying everything that I put up this summer.  I am definitely canning again this year.  Besides I love to can!  Isn't that weird?  I am hoping one of the goats is pregnant, and I am hoping to milk her this spring.  I will keep you posted.(another new years goal. lol)
       Have a great weekend! ~ Angie