August shot by very quickly. We started back to school and "boy, oh, boy" has it been hard. We decided to try a new curriculum this year. The older three have all their work on the computer. Sounds easy enough, but.......NO. It has been a learning experience for sure. We have always used a literature based curriculum, which means I did a lot of reading out loud. I love to read to the children and it was better for them (dyslexia). I am not one to rush kids in education and believe waiting can be better in some things. I did notice however that there were some things I wanted to cover earlier with my youngers. You live and learn. The oldest are always the guinea pigs. Poor babies. All that to say the curriculum for the younger children is very different(but in a good way) from the way they are used to learning. Their brains are having a hard time adjusting. I know how they feel though. Every time I think I might have figured out my children, friends, life in general, etc. - things change. It stretches my brain. And you know, that can hurt. lol.
September- The Month Of The Masacre
This spring I purchased chicks and raised them. They were beginning to lay ever so lovely. I mean I was getting at least a dozen a day. I was even starting to sell them. Then one day we left for a few hours to go see cutting horses at the Ag center. They are really cool to watch. Any ways we returned home to find about 5 of my chickens laying around the yard and my only two ducks. They were not eaten but just senselessly killed ,for the fun of it . And who do you think committed such an evil act? These two.
These two have appeared before the judge and have been sentenced to time on the back deck . They will serve this time whenever their parole officer is not at home. They were quoted as saying they do not enjoy being locked up and feel regret for their past deeds. They have also issued an apology to the 14 surviving members of the victim's family. The victim's family say this has made them fearful and they no longer feel safe in their own neighborhood.
This brings us to October. My " marvelous middle" child had her 14th birthday. I cannot believe she is 14. That means she will want to drive next year. I know people say "where does the time go?" but really, where does it go? This is when you realize you need to enjoy each day, whatever it brings, because it will be gone tomorrow. We are continuing in school and I am praying about what my next thing will be (project- christmas gifts, money making on the farm, simple living, etc.) Hopefully, I will not have to do a three month catch up again. Hope everyone has a great week. Happy Birthday Livvy!!