Since it snowed, we decided that we would stay home all day. That was wonderful. I washed a boatload of laundry I had gotten behind on. I love when I have time to get the laundry done right. You know, no baskets full of wrinkled clothes that need to be put away. Everything was put away. Why does that feel so good? lol. Other than the laundry we pretty much rested. Next week, we begin soccer games, so Saturdays will not be ours.
Today we attended church. The discussion in class was about anger and how to control it. I am finding that anger is usually a sign of something else going on and that you have to ask yourself "Why am I angry, really?" Is is because I am hurt, diappointed in someone or something, feeling guilty, feeling a lack of control....? And what can I do about it? And if I can't do anything about it, how can I accept it and move on? Now I am not talking about righteous anger. I am just talking about anger. I think where it goes wrong is when we lose our temper or hold a grudge. I think thats what Ephesians 4:26-27 is talking about. Anger is an emotion God gave us, but we must use it appropriately. Because when we lose our temper or hold a grudge, we allow Satan a "foothold". It is something I struggle with. I want to just react to my anger instead of listening to what it's telling me. But I'm learning.
Dh and some of the children worked in the yard today, moving wood from the barn to the fire pit. I am looking forward to the bon fires we will have this spring. I am finishing laundry today. Yes, still doing laundry. I said I was I must get going but I included some pictures of the snow. I realize it not as much snow as some other places get, but for middle Tn, it was a lot. Have a wonderful Sunday. Ang
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