Tuesday, February 24, 2009

     I wanted to post today but I am having trouble knowing where to start.  I have soooo many things rolling around in my little brain.  I guess I will start with money.  I love the idea of living self sufficient, at least when it comes to food.  I think that is one reason I love to can.  I am also sure you have noticed rising prices at the grocery.  So I have been thinking of ways to save money when it comes to food.  I have been clipping coupons and finding great deals(thanks to my sister who is the coupon guru).  I really think the best way to save money is to stock up.  I don't mean go out and stock up, but stock up when stuff is on sale. I like being able to go into my pantry and throw something together at the last minute.  It helps to keep us from eating out which also saves us money. I also think when I make menus and stock the pantry I don't run to the store as much, which also saves us money.  I have found that if you just get the free stuff at CVS, you can stock up with toiletries quickly.  I also like having things in the pantry to fix spur of the moment meals for sick friends or for the kids to take to the church pantry.  Now what would really be a money saver and really cool is if we grew and canned everything for our pantry.  No silly, not the toilet paper!!  Just the food. lol. 
     I guess I am thinking of this because today was market day for me.  I was headed out to a few more places when the vet and the farrier showed up to work on Little Bit's hooves.  The vet sedated her and the farrier used a hack saw and a sander to take off the ridiculously  long hooves.  And then she was given some pain medicine.  So hopefully she will be feeling better soon.  The vet said he had only seen pictures of hooves this bad.  Speaking of Little Bit reminds me that I need to check on her before I head to bed.  Hope I haven't rattled on too much.  Hope everyone has a restful evening.

Friday, February 13, 2009


     This is "lil bit".  She is a shetland pony who is now residing at our place.  Can you see her hoofs?  She foundered at some point and was not taken care of and now her hoofs are about 6-8 inches long and curved up in front.  We had our farrier come out and work on her hoofs but after working for an hour, he was only able to remove some of the front hoofs.  He feels we need the vet to sedate her next time he works on her. She can barely walk.  It is very sad that she has been allowed to get to this point.  Hopefully the farrier and the vet can work on her next week.  I'll try to post some after pictures.  I am not trying to be depressing but this where I have been this week.
   As for the schedule I set up.......I have several observations.   First of all, the pioneers did not have as many clothes as we do in this time.  Sometimes I wish we did not have so many clothes.  But we do.  Thats a fact.  It is also a fact that I cannot do laundry for 7 people in one day.  Too much.  All I can say is, its a good thing I did not schedule anything for Thursdays or should I say "wash day no. 2".  Market day has been great.  I like running my errands on one day.  My Fridays and Saturdays are working great, too.  So overall I like this schedule.
  The most exciting thing I have to tell you is that my seeds came from the Baker Creek Seed Co. I cannot wait to plant them.  And not only seeds but my new baby chicks will be arriving the beginning of March.  Yessiree bob!  25 sweet little chicks of differing breeds.  I love this time of year.  I think its the dreaming and planning I love. Speaking of dreaming, thats exactly where I am headed.  I hope everyone has a Happy Valentines Day.

Monday, February 2, 2009


  I am not sure what I did wrong on the below post.  So please forgive.  
WARNING:  Read with caution as my cause dizziness.  ha ha ha.


   For anyone who thinks a whole day(that is a whole day with a home and children and all their needs, which translates to not really a whole day) dedicated to paper is ridiculous......well, I guess you need to e-mail me and let me know what I am doing wrong. lol.  I have been half heartedly working on a menu for the next two weeks.   Is it possible to have writers block when you are just preparing a menu?  For crying out loud, how hard can it be?  Apparently too hard for my brain.  I did manage to get my coupons in order and know what I am buying at CVS.  I did not however file any bills or receipts.  Does anyone else have a problem coming up with meals?  I know my good friend does.  She called this afternoon to tell me the 1/2 price book store had the book "Saving Dinner" and it contains a years worth of menus.   They also have a website.  Sounds like I might be visiting the  1/2 price bookstore soon!
    Here is what I did accomplish today:    exchanging birthday present for Cait
                                                                         took children to reading tutor at the library for 2 1/2
                                                                         ran by Quizznos so that Caitlin could get an
                                                                         read my bible and prayed
                                                                         5 loads of towels
                                                                         Prepared dinner which required grilling
                                                                          Did schooling with the children
                                                                         Read to the younger kiddos
                                                                         Took a bath( don't laugh!  that is an accomplishment)

     Well you might be bored to tears reading about my day, but I feel much better now. lol  
Please remember to pray for the people in Kentucky who had the snow and ice storm.  Some of them with will be without power for quite a long time.  I can't imagine.  Hope everyone had a great Monday...whew, it's over!