For anyone who thinks a whole day(that is a whole day with a home and children and all their needs, which translates to not really a whole day) dedicated to paper is ridiculous......well, I guess you need to e-mail me and let me know what I am doing wrong. lol. I have been half heartedly working on a menu for the next two weeks. Is it possible to have writers block when you are just preparing a menu? For crying out loud, how hard can it be? Apparently too hard for my brain. I did manage to get my coupons in order and know what I am buying at CVS. I did not however file any bills or receipts. Does anyone else have a problem coming up with meals? I know my good friend does. She called this afternoon to tell me the 1/2 price book store had the book "Saving Dinner" and it contains a years worth of menus. They also have a website. Sounds like I might be visiting the 1/2 price bookstore soon!
Here is what I did accomplish today: exchanging birthday present for Cait
took children to reading tutor at the library for 2 1/2
ran by Quizznos so that Caitlin could get an
read my bible and prayed
5 loads of towels
Prepared dinner which required grilling
Did schooling with the children
Read to the younger kiddos
Took a bath( don't laugh! that is an accomplishment)
Well you might be bored to tears reading about my day, but I feel much better now. lol
Please remember to pray for the people in Kentucky who had the snow and ice storm. Some of them with will be without power for quite a long time. I can't imagine. Hope everyone had a great Monday...whew, it's over!