I would like to announce the arrival of "triplets" to one Smiley the goat. The proud Mama took all three babies and they are doing great. There are two boys and one girl. Their names are BuckBuck, Buster, and Bella(Snickerbella). Sunday morning we went to feed everyone before church and Olivia squealed that there was a baby in Smiley's stall. Needless to say we did not make it to church and we were able to witness the next two being born. All I can say is WOW!!
They are just precious. We walk out to the barn a thousand times(slight exaggeration) a day just to watch them. Today we went out and the girl was hopping around and trying to get her brothers to play. It was so cute.
Yesterday I planted all my tomato plants, okra, and most of my squash plants before it stormed. I was so glad to get that done. Now I need to get my potatoes, onions, and peppers planted. At least that takes care of the vegetables anyways. I also have plenty of flower gardening to do. It is always something, isn't it? But it feels so good when you are finished.
Susannah is going to a bible study with a couple women from church. I think this will be a great thing for her. After that, she and Caitlin are going to Laser chase with a group from P.E.
I hope you enjoy the picture of the babies. Has anyone out there ever milked a goat? I have read all about it but I have more questions. Sure would like to hear form you if you have. Have a great evening. ~Angie~